Impressions „Nikola Tesla EV Rally Croatia 2014“

It has been a long evening… even so „NoStau“ and „TopGear“ arrived already at around 15h30, but the official meeting would not happen before 18h30 to 19h00.

That meant we had enough time to care about the hotel rooms and other things (chaotic coordinations with the rally organisation team included, which did not handle many things professionally).

Funny side story for electric vehicle (EV) newbies like me, was the hunt for a car charging station: Finally we ended up at a closeby CampingPlace, but the power sockets just supplied medium level power, what would have meant to load the car batteries for about 24 hours to fully recharge it, so that on the late evening, the cars have been driven to a diesel power generator – so much about the „green“ technology approach with the electric cars…

more pictures coming later this day, so stay tuned…

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